Friday, 8 April 2016

Basic of logical framework

The logical framework is partially a component of project cycle management. It is a instrument for objective-oriented planning of project. The logical framework tool applies to analyze, assessment, follow-up and evaluation of projects. Another institution employs the logical framework to improve planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects or programs. It is crucial significance for improving quality, relevance, feasibility and sustainability. Most of the project director or project manager applies logical framework to identify problems and needs of the beneficiaries, setting priority, planning and implementing project to be more effective, as well as follow up and evaluation the project. In the process of developing logical framework, it involves with stakeholder analysis, problems or situation analysis, objective analysis, plan of activities, resources planning, develop indicator, risk analysis and analysis of assumption.
Figure 1: Format of logical framework

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Basic Project Cycle Management (PCM)

Five Phases of Project Cycle Management (PCM)
Project cycle management (PCM) is involve with diverse phases. However, majority of the project director or project manager prefers to applies five phases in project management. The five phases of the project cycle management as following:
  1. Initiating -  within this phase, project director or manager performs the situation, problem, objective as well as stakeholders analysis in order to form the project design.
  2. Planning - this phase involves with develop project proposal, project framework, submitting as well as contract the project proposal with donors.
  3. Executing - after the proposal has been contracting and approving by donor, the project implementation is being to act in the specific location and beneficiaries which has been set in the project proposal.
  4. Controlling - controlling phase involves with two main components - monitoring and evaluating. Monitoring is an going process for collecting, analyzing, and reporting in order to assist project to be improve its perform. Aligning with monitoring, evaluation is involve with gathering, analysis and reporting of data about a program in a systematic way to assist in decision making for project.
  5. Closing - since the project has its budget limitation as well as time frame, the project would be determinate after ended the periodic. 

 In conclusion, project cycle management (PCM) has five steps - initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the project.